Coronavirus Essential Information

Essential information for patients and visitors regarding COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus).

Essential information for patients and visitors regarding COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus)

Phoenix Hospital Group continues to help the NHS deal with a significant increase in waiting list numbers by treating non Covid-19 NHS patients. We are also able and willing to treat all private patients with no restrictions. Nevertheless, we need to put in place additional measures for your safety which we describe below. In designing these measures we meet and exceed all UK guidelines and continually review them to minimise inconvenience while maximising safety.

Whenever visiting our facilities, all patients must maintain social distancing, wear a face covering and wash their hands frequently to minimise the risk of spread.


Our staff and consultants

All clinical staff are undertaking regular lateral flow testing and almost all Phoenix staff have received their two doses of the Covid-19 vaccine. All staff and consultants confirm daily they have no symptoms and have their temperature taken. They are required to wear the necessary PPE at all times.


Outpatient visits to Phoenix Hospital Group

You will be asked a number of questions before you can attend a consultation, imaging or blood test and will then be given your appointment if there is no evidence you are infected. Please arrive on time as we minimise the number of patients in each building at any one time. We regret no accompanying adults or children can be allowed in with the exception of paediatric patients who may have one adult.

On arrival we will take your temperature and ask you to confirm you have no symptoms and that you have not been in contact with an infected person.

We will ask you to wash your hands before and after your visit and to wear a face covering. Your consultant and staff will wear PPE and we will clean the room before and after your visit.


Inpatient admissions to Phoenix Hospital Group

The government has classified two types of hospital. Most will be Covid Managed Hospitals that admit unscreened patients as emergencies or out patients and aim to keep them separate from screened patients. Weymouth Street Hospital is unusual in that it can provide a higher level of safety; it is a Covid Protected Hospital and every patient in the building has passed three part screening. Three part screening comprises:

  • An enhanced questionnaire undertaken as part of our world leading pre-assessment
  • A PCR test undertaken 72 hours before admission
  • A period of complete isolation from when the PCR swab is taken until admission

We appreciate that this is inconvenient but by three part screening we can reduce the risk of a patient being infected to a very low level (less than one in a million) and provide you with the safest possible treatment. We do not admit any patients who have not been screened. We do not treat suspected or confirmed Covid-19 positive patients.

When you arrive you will be required to wear a face covering. You will have your temperature taken and be shown to your room. We only have single patient rooms which further minimises risk. Your nurse will check your three part screening. After your operation we ask you to remain in your room. When you are ready to leave we will escort you to the front door to be met by your responsible adult. You may need to isolate after your operation, and your surgeon and nurse will advise you based on your particular operation. We have produced a number of documents which provide further information. If you have any questions your consultant will be happy to discuss them with you. You are welcome to contact us.

In order to keep our patients and staff safe, it is with regret that we are not currently able to accept visitors accompanying patients to the hospital. We are sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.


Key contacts


Outpatient appointments

London[email protected] 

Essex[email protected]


Inpatient Pre-assessment

London[email protected]

Essex[email protected]



