Talking About Men’s Health: The ‘Male Menopause’
Everyone has heard about the female menopause, but what about the so-called ‘male menopause’? Does it exist? What are the symptoms? And what can be done to treat it?
This year, 10-16 June is International Men’s Health Week and, men, particularly those over 40, are being encouraged to ask whether they too could be suffering from the male menopause, also known as low testosterone (low T) or the andropause.
While men do not go through menopause in the same way as women–usually in their mid-to-late forties, when they experience a big drop in oestrogen – many men can suffer from a decline in levels or effectiveness of the key male hormone, testosterone.
Dr Clive Morrison at the Centre for Men’s Health explains why this matters: “In men, testosterone is vital to the development and maintenance of male sexual characteristics and function. Normal active testosterone levels help to maintain sex drive and fertility in healthy men.
He adds: “Research shows it also helps maintain psychological wellbeing and is increasingly being recognised as important to a wide range of health-related areas, for example in maintaining healthy energy and activity levels and preventing bone breakdown.”
So, what are the symptoms of the male menopause?
Some can be similar to those experienced by menopausal women, in particular, hot flushes and night sweats. However, the most common ones are:
- Decreased sex drive (low libido)
- Erectile dysfunction (ED) and/or loss of morning erections
- Tiredness and loss of energy
- Depression/mood swings
- Weight gain, especially around the belly
- Poor concentration, short-term memory loss and ‘brain fog’
- Irritability
To check whether you or your partner/husband may be suffering from these symptoms, there is a free confidential self-test questionnaire here:
Treatment with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)
TRT has been shown to be highly effective in relieving the symptoms of the male menopause by restoring energy, health, and sex drive. TRT is usually given as testosterone gel, cream, or long-acting injections. It is often needed long-term and can safely be continued in these forms if good symptom relief is maintained or it can be changed to other types if needed.
Unfortunately, testosterone deficiency remains an underdiagnosed and undertreated condition. Research at the Centre for Men’s Health indicates that as many as 20% of men (2 million) across the UK over the age of 50 suffer from it. However, only 1% have been diagnosed and are being treated.
The Centre for Men’s Health offers men comprehensive blood testing and in-depth examination of their health and lifestyle to see if symptoms are due to the male menopause and can tailor treatment to the patient’s precise needs.
About the Centre for Men’s Health and Dr Clive Morrison
Dr Clive Morrison is a GP and highly experienced men’s health doctor at the Centre for Men’s Health. The Centre for Men’s Health is based at our No. 25 Harley Street Clinic. For over 30 years, the Centre has been at the forefront of treatment of men for low testosterone and connected issues such as ED.
To find out more or book an appointment with Dr Morrison click here.