Surviving Spring: Your Guide to Combating Hay Fever
A runny nose. Itchy eyes. Scratchy throat. That’s right, seasonal allergies are here.
But you don’t have to suffer in silence. Professor Rudenko provides a springtime guide for dealing with your hay fever and pollen allergies, and what you can do to stop them in their tracks.
Symptoms to look out for
The problem with seasonal allergies happening earlier is that there’s overlap with winter
illnesses such as a cold or the flu or coronavirus. So, some people might not realise it’s actually their hay fever acting up.
We all know the obvious symptoms:
● Runny, stuffy nose
● Itchy or watery eyes
● Scratchy throat or coughing
But there are some you might not realise are related to your allergy:
● Headaches, particularly around the temples (likely a sinus backup)
● Exhaustion
● Earache
● Loss of smell
Headaches especially are a condition we often attribute to something else, like not drinking enough water or not getting enough sleep. But you might want to pay attention to the kind of headaches you get. Do they feel like they come from a blockage? Are they more around the front of your head? If so, it could be hay fever and sinus-related.
How to minimise symptoms
Symptoms are caused when pollen gets in contact with your nose or eyes and creates a reaction. However, there are steps you can take to keep symptoms at bay. Opening your windows could be making your symptoms worse, so it is advised to keep them closed. Make a habit of checking the pollen counts too, so you know if it’s worth going outside. Don’t dry your washing in the fresh air as pollen can stick to it and you’ll bring it into your house.
If you like going for walks, stay away from grassy, open spaces, especially if the grass near your favourite walking spot has just been cut. If you live near the coast,
consider spending more time there. If not, stay in more urban areas.
Preventative measures
There are other ways you could prevent hay fever from bothering you. Over-the-counter
antihistamines are regularly used by people suffering, as are nasal sprays. Before you do this
though, you might want to talk with your doctor as they may have a better suggestion for helping you deal with your symptoms.
It’s always a rough time of year for people with hay fever, but don’t worry. Just follow these tips and you’ll avoid any unnecessary exposure to pollen. Although you won’t be able to get rid of hay fever completely, you can implement these steps to minimise any aggravation.
About Professor Rudenko
Professor Rudenko is a consultant in Allergy ad Clinical immunology. He has a significant research background in allergy and asthma. In 2011 Professor Rudenko founded the London Allergy and Immunology Centre as a single practice, providing allergy and immunology care for adults and children.
To book an appointment with Professor Rudenko click here.