Health Screening London

6th December 2019 By Phoenix Hospital Group

All health screening is designed with one aim in mind: to detect changes in the body early in order to prevent, rather than treat, the onset of disease. Health screening is so effective because the early recognition of disease ensures the right treatment is given at the right time.

This in turn means our doctors are able to provide superior management of any condition, whilst also reducing the risk of further complications and ensuring better patient outcomes.

For those who have a family history such as diabetes, stroke or heart disease, screening is a vital part of maintaining good health.

Is screening right for me?

Depending on your age and pre-existing conditions, the frequency of check-ups we recommend may change. For the majority of our patients over 30 however, a yearly review is recommended to give the best coverage possible.

Those under 30 are recommended to have their health and well-being reviewed every two years. As you move towards 50 and beyond, our consultants will advise on the best frequency for you based on your personal circumstances.


What is involved in health screening?

Our various packages outlined below give further insight into what to expect on the day of your screening. Typically, you will need to attend our clinic for just under an hour for brief check-ups or up to half a day for more comprehensive reviews.

As appropriate, blood tests and scans such as X-rays may be required. Basics such as blood pressure, heart rate and BMI are routinely done to give a snapshot of your general health.


Our selection of packages

Book bespoke medical care with us for optimum health and peace of mind. The packages below represent the breadth of services available, but you are not limited to these options. Our private screening is run by our team of experienced GPs who can design a health package specifically to help you with your own personal health needs.


Health Essential

Designed to be an ‘MOT’ of your general health, our most basic screening takes half an hour and builds a solid understanding of your current and future well-being. Your screening doctor will check the fundamentals of health including BMI, blood pressure, ECG, blood tests and more.

The results are then reviewed in tandem with your past medical history to give you a solid understanding of your health strengths and potential areas of improvement.


Health Essential Plus

Comprised of all the elements discussed above, our Health Essential+ service also includes an in-house abdominal ultrasound scan. This non-invasive investigation gives your consultant a view of your vital internal organs, providing images of kidneys, liver and digestive tract.

As with all of our screening services, a full feedback report is sent to you with an accompanying follow up phone call to discuss your results and findings.


Health Complete

Building upon our Health Essential+ service, our Health Complete packages are designed individually for men and women. This service utilises more in depth scanning to provide a comprehensive view of your overall health. A CT (computed tomography) scan of your chest looks for any lung abnormalities whilst an MRI head provides detailed assessment of the brain.


Health Complete – Male

For men only, our Health Complete package includes a testicular examination and ultrasound to rule out any abnormalities or pathology.


Health Complete – Female

For women, our Health Complete package includes a breast exam to rule out any worrying lumps or bumps. If you are under the age of 40, we also offer an ultrasound of your breasts to give clearer insight into any potential abnormalities.


Sexual health

Sexual health is a key component of healthy living. We understand the need for discretion and privacy when discussing these matters and offer prompt consultations with a male or female doctor of your choosing. Feeling comfortable in our clinic promotes open discussion and fast treatment for our patients.

We test for all common sexual health complaints which are detailed in your feedback report and discussed with your consultant during your follow up phone call.


Advanced Cancer Screening

Cancer screening tests already exist for certain types of cancer, specific age groups and demographics. These screening tests are however limited by NHS funding and detection rate regulations. In depth screening outside of these publicly available offerings give a chance to detect and prevent cancers which could otherwise be missed by these services.

Our state-of-the-art MRI machine gives fine detail images for our Consultant Radiologists to review and report. Using the latest technology allows our team to review images at a higher resolution, meaning potential concerns are more likely to be picked up. It also allows us to scan more efficiently, leading to much less time in the scanner for the patients.

We look over the whole body, not just one area. Specifically designed to provide an early warning system, our advanced cancer screening can mean the difference between early diagnosis and delayed treatment. To find out more about our Advanced Cancer Screening visit our website.


Healthcare tailored just for you

These health screening packages allow for consistency in review and follow up. If you would like to add in any extras to a particular package this can be arranged with your consultant. If you are unsure of your particular needs, an initial screening and review of your medical history will enable us to recommend the best package for you and your health.


Corporate screening

Screening packages for businesses and their employees can be of significant benefit for all parties. For employees, health concerns that were previously being ignored or overlooked due to other pressures can be resolved, alongside detecting any previously unknown conditions or illnesses.

A holistic approach is preferred, with our consultants giving invaluable lifestyle advice. This has been shown time and time again to reduce the likelihood of sick leave from work and long-term productivity decline.

Corporate screening can be utilised as a pre-employment health check as part of the onboarding process for new staff. This will help highlight any potential health issues and areas where your employees may benefit from support.

Ongoing screening provides a more surveillance type service, allowing the needs of existing staff to be met and maintaining good health and well being across the staff population. Considering that on average, employees record a full week per year as sick leave, screening pays for itself in both the short and long term.

We understand the hectic nature of many of our patient’s working lives – we therefore offer both same day appointments and return the results of screening in a Health Screen Report within 5 working days.

These results are then followed up with a phone call with the same GP who carried out the initial appointment. This allows for a greater understanding between patient and doctor of the person’s state of health and gives an opportunity to discuss the next best steps if any.


Find out more information about our Health Screening services here.

If you are interested in booking a health screening or would like to discuss the options available in more details please call us on 0207 079 2100 or email [email protected]